Those of you who have undergone or are in the process of undergoing electrolysis will be interested in a new machine that I recently heard about and investigated. It is not something that you will be interested to buy because it is expensive, because it employs multiple needles and because you couldn't do it to yourself anyway. However, you might be able to help yourself if you could interest your electrologist into making inquiries and possibly in due course, buying
Most of you may know that the original electrolysis machines were multiple needle machines. The operator would insert a number of needles and after the array had been finished would go back and take out the needles and the hairs one at a time. This was not too success- ful because of the time consumed and because there was no way to regulate how much current went into each needle. As a result a follicle that was dry would not conduct current very well and probably wouldn't kill the hair root. On the other hand a moist follicle would provide a good current path and most of the current being put out by the machine would go through that needle (or needles) because of the better contact and conductivity. As a result, such wet follicles got too much current and it burned th the sides of the follicle to some degree and resulted in enlarged follicles which appeared as small holes all over the face. You have probably seen some people on which this occurred.
Subsequently high frequency thermolysis was invented in which the hair is killed by the generation of heat at the end of the needle which in effect cooks the hair bulb. That is, it does if all works out